Now, probably you are wondering…

What’s this Illotrait of yours?!

Illotrait is a concept I invented. It combines the two words “illustration” and “portrait”.
And this is exactly what I do! I create portraits on commission with my own illustration style.
I love to tell stories through images and I would be delighted to create your absolute unique and special Illotrait!
An Illotrait can really tell its subject’s character in an original and humorous way whether it is a pet, a human being or a whole family.
Commission Illotrait for special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays
or whatever is important for you to remember and celebrate in life!

And, if you fancy it, I’d be more than happy to share and post your Illotrait on my social media profiles
to give the experience a warm and cheerful echo of participation!

So, how does it work?

Well, it really couldn’t be easier. All you have to do is choose the commission that is right for you from the list above (family, pets, people, celebrations), and then contact me through the “Contact” link.
I’ll email you back so you can send me a few photographs and a brief description of the characters.
Most people send up to 5 photos.

And how long does it take?

It normally takes between 4 – 6 weeks to complete the commissioned piece, but it can take a little longer
depending on the volume of work I have on at the time.
So, if you are planning the commission to coincide with a birthday or wedding do bear this in mind.

How and when do I pay?

Again, it couldn’t be easier. I take 50% up-front and the remainder paid when I hand over the commission.
You can pay this via internet banking / electronic bank transfer
and I will provide you with my bank details once the commission is confirmed.

And how do you deliver the commission?

Illotrait is digitally produced. There is no point shipping it via mail and charging you with expensive postage costs.
You will receive your Illotrait electronically ready to be shared on your social media accounts
and ready to be printed on any surface you like!

How much?!

Here is a commission price list:

Standard size commission. Starting from £300

Digital painting – White or monochromatic background – Up to a size of 30cm x 30cm, 400 dpi.
If you’d like more than one character included in the portrait, then add an additional £100 per character.

Large commission. Starting from £1000

Digital painting – Up to 4 characters with fully illustrated background – Up to a size of 45cm x 30cm, 400 dpi.
If you’d like more than 4 characters included in the portrait, then add an additional £100 per each extra character.